利用珠三角和长三角的19个城市4 152名农民工调查数据,从7个维度48项指标全面比较劳务派遣农民工和非劳务派遣农民工的就业质量差异。两个群体的就业质量有34项指标差别不明显,14项指标存在显著差异。与非劳务派遣农民工相比,劳务派遣农民工并未出现“同工不同酬”、“劳动保护较差”、“社会保障较低”、“工作稳定性差”等现象;对合同签订、产假工资、医疗保险、培训经历、合同协商比例、工作满意度较高,但也存在遭受更严重的工资扣罚、工会参与机会更少、职业发展空间小等问题。
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Based on the 4152 migrant workers survey data conducted in the 19 cities of the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta, this paper compares the employment quality between dispatch rural migrant workers and non-dispatch rural migrant workers on 48 indicators from 7 dimensions. It is found that among 48 indicators, 34 indicators are non-significantly different and only 14 indicators exist significantly different. Compared with non-labor dispatch workers, labor dispatch workers did not have problems such as “unequal pay”, “poor labor protection”,“low social security” and “high job mobility”. The proportion of contract signing, maternity leave salary, medical insurance, training experience, contract negotiation and job satisfaction is significantly higher than that of the non-dispatch workers. However, they suffer higher salary punishing, lower opportunity of joining union, relatively small career developments.