以中国知网(CNKI)作为文献搜索源,利用Cite Space文献可视化方法对2012—2020年教育扶贫研究文献进行梳理,以研究人员、研究机构、研究热点和前沿为变量绘制知识图谱。研究发现,教育扶贫研究主要集中于教育扶贫的基本理论、教育精准扶贫、职业教育扶贫、民族地区教育扶贫和教育信息化促进精准扶贫等热点问题。进入新发展阶段,教育扶贫在研究对象上应聚焦相对贫困的群体帮扶,在研究范式上应关注返贫群体的精神脱贫,在研究环境上应补齐教育扶贫的生态短板。
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Taking China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the literature search source, this paper uses Cite Space Literature Visualization Method to sort out the research literatures on poverty alleviation through education from 2012 to 2020, and draws a knowledge map with researchers, research institutions, research hotspots and frontiers as variables. It finds that the research on poverty alleviation through education mainly focuses on the basic theory of education poverty alleviation, education targeted poverty alleviation, vocational education poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation in ethnic areas and education informatization promoting targeted poverty alleviation. In the new era, the study on education poverty alleviation should focus on the relatively poor groups, pay attention to the mental poverty alleviation of the poverty-returning groups, and complement the ecological short board of poverty alleviation through education in the research environment.